19 Social Media Best Practices for Your Business
If you have already read “How To Setup Your Facebook Page Correctly” then you will understand that I am an avid preacher of social media best practices.
It does not matter what your products or services you offer. Nor does it matter if you are a large or small company. To be successful with Social Media you should adopt industry best practices.
Mark Smiciklas prepared a video that shows you 19 of his Social Media Best Practices. These 19 best practices typifies the way I feel that social media implementations should be tackled, and provides an excellent reference framework.
The video is for those who are better visual learners. Otherwise, if reading is your thing, the list is below.
- Understand the importance of strategy. Tools and tactics are just the tip of the iceberg.
- Map out a basic plan to help guide the way.
- Assess your social capacity. What resources you are willing to invest in building relationships?
- Build a solid business infrastructure to support the weight of social media (not house cards).
- Navigate the sea of noise using monitoring tools and listen for opportunities to interact.
- Filter connections for relevance.
- Don’t fly blind. Monitor and listen.
- Understand your audience.
- Interact first. Sell second.
- Learn about the needs of your audience and keep testing ways to move from connection to engagement.
- Build relationships to help float campaigns, not the opposite.
- Bridge online connections with face-to-face interaction
- Embrace the new powered consumer.
- Humanize your brand.
- Understand the influence of front line staff. Empower them to fuel Word Of Mouth.
- Leverage employee participation to help scale initiatives.
- Be relevant. Build business value by connecting the right audience, content, channel and time.
- Understand the ethical scale when outsourcing social media.
- Learn to swim in the social media pool.
The digital landscape moves very quickly, so if there are any social media best practices you wish to add to the list (or remove) please let me know.
If you need help to generate more relevant leads from social media, please contact me.