The Power Of Social Media |Making It Work For Your Business
I was recently interviewed by Sara Dimerman, a Psychologist, Author & Parenting/ Relationship Expert on “The Power Of Social Media And How To Make It Work For Your Business”.
By the time you finish listening to the Podcast, you will understand why and how Social Media plays an important role in your business.
The Power Of Social Media Podcast is content rich. Here are some of the topics we touched on:
- How to grow your brand on Social Media.
- Advertising on Social Media – Specific targeting.
- Return on Relationships – A real scenario.
- Return on Investment measurements – keep it center stage.
- Using your time efficiently on Social Media – The formula
- The importance of a Strategic Social Media plan.
- The numbers game. Or quality followers only.
- Sensible Local Marketing. Let your audience find you.
- Conscience connection with the right audience.
- The motives of your audience – Buying your friends.
- Advanced Search & hashtags to find your audience.
- The power of LinkedIn – think your audience.
- The power of Facebook – Promotions all the way.
- The Power of Google Search – the keyword phrase.
- Growing an Email List using the hub and spoke method.
- Perpetual Survey. Helping your audience.
- How to “see” your audience – Metrics & Analytics.
- Hiring your Social Media Strategist.
- Training your Social Media Strategist.
- Social Media Overwhelm.
There is tremendous power using Social Media to market and promote your products and services. However, it needs to be done the right way.
Listen to the podcast to find out more –> Full Podcast (opens in new window).
And if you wish to continue the conversation with us, and establish how to best use digital marketing and social media to grow your business, please contact us. We’ll point you in the right direction.