9 Top Tips: Website Security for Lead Generating Websites
Cybersecurity threats are rampant. There were more than 53,000 cybersecurity threats in a single year. This figure is expected to rise, and the breaches will be more spectacular. This is an alarming figure, significant enough to show that website security is under attack.
When creating a website for your business, one crucial factor you must consider is website security.
While having a website that converts is one thing, ensuring the site is secure is another thing.
The steps involved in making a lead generating website are complicated. However, this complexity shouldn’t deter you from incorporating website security tips.
Here are some practical steps you can take to enhance the security of your lead generating website.
1. Keep Your Website Features Updated
Some companies ignore the importance of updating their software. This compromises their website security, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. If the reason for an update has to do with website security, it’s essential not to delay it.
Hackers usually scan for vulnerable websites, looking for available loopholes for break-ins. Hackers work through extensive networks. If one of them knows how to hack your software, the others will know too.
2. Protection Against XSS Attacks
Some of the most common cyber-attacks are cross-site scripting (XSS). They inject malicious JavaScript into your pages, which then finds its way into users’ browsers. Consequently, they change the contents of your pages and steal your website information.
The stolen information is sent back to the attacker. This exposes your website users to security risks, as their login information can be stolen. This will enable the attackers to take control of every account registered on your website.
One way to prevent attackers from injecting JavaScript content is to use the Content Security Policy tool. This is a header that limits the JavaScript executed on your servers, for example by disallowing foreign scripts. It may also reject inline JavaScript, making it harder for an attacker’s script to modify your pages.
3. Avoid File Uploads
One thing that can compromise your website security is file uploads by users. You need to be cautious about allowing users to change their avatar. Files users upload could seem harmless but may contain scripts that open up your site to attackers.
For sites that contain file upload forms, you need to treat them with high suspicion. Don’t rely on your file extensions to verify the authenticity of the files. Most images come in formats that allow storage of comments.
Hackers could include a PHP code here to tamper with your website security. If you must allow file uploads, ensure the files are stored outside the web root. Also, make use of secure upload paths like SSH and SFTP.
4. Limit Access Permissions
The admin level of your website determines how much a hacker can access. One thing you can do is change the default database prefix. Change it from “wp6_” to something that hackers can hardly guess.
Ensure you also limit the number of login attempts you allow within a given time. Remember that password resets are opportunities for hacking my malicious users. Limit the number of people who have access to administrative rights.
5. Install Web Application Firewall
A web application firewall (WAF) can come as hardware or software. It’s a barrier that sets your website server and data connection apart. It works by verifying all the data that passes through before releasing it to the other end.
Currently, there are modern cloud-based WAFs provided as plug-and-play services. Most of them come at a subscription fee and deployed to your server. They act as the gateway for all incoming traffic.
One advantage of WAFs is that they give you peace of mind. They block all website security threats and filter out all unwanted traffic like malicious bots.
6. Make Use of SSL
If your website allows for user registration and transactions, the connections need to be encrypted. SSL certificates enhance website security between your site and clients’ devices. Consequently, it becomes impossible for third parties to hijack your information.
An example of a reliable and trustworthy SSL certificate is GlobalSign.
7. Back-up Data Regularly
Backing up your data regularly keeps you safe in case of a successful attack. It’s recommendable to back up on and off-site, multiple times daily. Ensure your website settings allow for automatic backup for every file saved by users.
8. Use Strong Passwords
The need to use strong passwords can’t be overemphasized, yet not everyone makes use of them. For your website admin area, it’s crucial to use strong passwords. This practice should also be emphasized for user accounts.
Users may not like websites that enforce password requirements like the use of combined letter cases. However, their information will remain safe in the long run. Remember to store passwords as encrypted values, using algorithms like SHA.
When using such a method, authentication of users is possible through the comparison of the encrypted values. Since decryption isn’t possible, hacking also becomes difficult.
9. Look Out for Error Messages
Sometimes users will see error messages from their end when they can’t access your website. Be careful about the information you give up in the error message. If you’re not careful, you might reveal too much about your server.
Avoid providing full exception details as they can make cyber-attacks easier. Show users only the information relevant to them.
Website Security – Final Thoughts
Your website needs to be well secured if it’ll benefit your business. Hackers are on the sprawl, putting your website security at risk. Knowing what to do to secure your website is the first step towards keeping hackers at bay.
As such, consider using strong passwords, using SSL certificates and limiting uploads. Remember also to limit the information you give out in the error messages.
Regular updating and backing up of your site will also keep you safe. Consider using security tools like Web Application Firewalls among others. The passwords you use on your website should be strong and difficult to guess.
These website security tips, among others, can help enhance the safety of your website. Keep yourself informed and put them into practice.
Do you have any question about online security or digital marketing for your business? Be sure to reach out.